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Community & Justice Annual Fundraiser

Over 70 years, RICJ has recognized Rhode Island social justice leaders with the Community & Justice award, to honor exemplary contributions to creating a society that values all of its members. RICJ's annual fundraising event.

Thursday, December 7, 2023
6:00PM - 8:00PM
Rhode Island State House

Support Empowerment, Justice and Equity
Celebrate Silvermoon Mars LaRose and Dr. Larome Myrick,
2023 Community & Justice Awardees  

RICJ warmly welcomes valued Friends, Supporters, Donors & Alumni of our programs to this annual event!

Enjoy a networking reception with delicious food, complimentary wine/beer, music and entertainment, raffle/silent auction and a holiday-decorated Statehouse.  Help RICJ raise $70,000 for our 70th Anniversary Fundraiser, to support all our programs!

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Since 1953, the annual Community & Justice Awards have honored those who help create a society that values ALL its members.  It's our annual fundraiser, our social event of the year, and RICJ's highest honor.  


We held this event every year until the 2020 pandemic.  In 2021, instead of a virtual event, our staff created video presentations to share our expertise and that of our youth facilitators with the public, developing two webinars:   1) DEI facilitation: Building a Culture of Belonging, 2) Juvenile Hearing Boards and Transformative Justice.   Finally, in 2022 we were excited to hold a real fundraiser, to see and be with our friends, and welcome back our supporters, donors and the Alumni of our youth programs (teens when we met them and now part of the adult working world).  

C&J tickets in past years have been $100 and sponsorships are available.  Thank you for your support and for celebrating with us!


Please join us for our 2023 70th Anniversary Awards!

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Three generations of NCCJ & RICJ Executive Directors: 

Toby Ayers, Charlotte Penn and Tony Maione.

HONOREES 2017-2019

RICJ congratulates our 2017, 2018 and 2019 Community & Justice Award honorees!  In 2018, our theme was Comm[UNITY] and we celebrated Tony Maione's over 35 years of service as the long-time President and CEO of United Way of RI, and before that, as Executive Director of the National Conference for Community & Justice. Throughout his career, Tony has sought to bring young people in to the seats of power, as at United Way, he supported creation of the Young Leaders Circle. In 2017, we celebrated Providence and leaders building a dynamic, diverse city with a bright future.  Dan Baudouin, now-retired executive director of The Providence Foundation, facilitated partnerships that played key roles in moving rivers, cleaning streets, renovating historic buildings and shifting highways, over 24 years, all with an eye to the value of a diverse city.  We honored community volunteers of the new Providence and Central Falls Juvenile Hearing Boards, who create brighter futures and prevent the pipeline to prison for juveniles, providing resources, referrals and guidance that keep children and communities safe.

Our last Award Gala was held Dec 11, 2019, when we honored RAMONA ROYAL. Ramona was Talent Acquisition and Diversity Officer at Amica Mutual Insurance, where she led diversity initiatives across their 44 offices.  Nationally recognized for her creative, out of the box storytelling approach to building DEI in corporate settings, her work establishing cultures of belonging in the workplace is a model for DEI professionals and an inspiration for RICJ's Youth Facilitators. A supporter of our mission and a role model for RICJ's youth, Ramona is an important contributor to building an inclusive Rhode Island.   











2018 C&J honoree Tony Maione of United Way RI.

2017 C&J honoree Dan Baudouin 

of The Providence Foundation.

2017 C&J honorees from the Providence Juvenile Hearing Board

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