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Rhode Island for Community & Justice (RICJ) is a social justice nonprofit dedicated to fighting bias, bigotry, and racism and promoting understanding among all races, religions, and cultures through advocacy, conflict resolution, and education. It is our purpose to transform communities to be more inclusive and just by empowering people to lead institutional change. We are the voice that calls people to common ground, with respect for differences but with the understanding that people of all backgrounds have common values and needs that unite them.

Fighting bias, bigotry and racism. 

Promoting understanding.


To promote understanding and respect across groups, RICJ believes society must acknowledge the dynamics of power and privilege and the role individuals play in creating attitudes, behavior and practices that support systems of exclusion and oppression either overt or covert.


Through its adult and youth programming, RICJ works with students, teachers, clergy, corporate and civic leaders to facilitate workshops, develop curriculum, convene race relations and inter-religious dialogues, and provide consulting on challenges related to bias, bigotry and racism. Our current focus on youth programs and juvenile justice reforms is due largely to the organizations belief that today's teens are tomorrow's leaders, and through them is the only way to create long-lasting positive change in our communities. 

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Rose Albert

Executive Director

Alexander Jimenez

Assistant Director, Juvenile Justice

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Chelcie Speaks

Development Assistant

Sharlene Tavares

Youth Programs Coordinator

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Noah Berg

Juvenile Justice Reform VISTA

Juvenile Justice Reform VISTA

Jeiza Munoz

We are looking for new team members!


Board of Directors:

PresidentCom. Steven Paré (Retired)
, City of Providence 

Vice President:  Michael Evora, Rhode Island  Commission for Human Rights

2nd Vice President Kelly Coutcher,  Fidelity Investments

 David Winoker,  Belvoir Properties



Advisor to the Board: Andrew Douglass,  Douglass Law




Shameem Awan, Amica Insurance

Krystal Carvalho, RI State Police

Rory Neuner, The Barr Foundation

Shannon Massaroco, RI DCYF

Dr. Larome Myrick, RI DCYF

Ryan Roche, Neighborhood Health

David Leach


Emeritis Past Presidents

Dr. John McCray, University of RI  (Past President)

Sam Palmisano, Amica Insurance  (Past President)


OUR 2023 Annual Fund SPONSORS

Thank you to our Early-Bird 2023 Annual Fundraiser sponsors as of mid-October. 

COMMUNITY SPONSORS are Amica Insurance and Belvoir Properties. 

INCLUSION SPONSORS are AAA Northeast and Hinckley Allen. 

JUSTICE Sponsor is Cox Communications.   

RESPECT Sponsors are KPMG and Scout/Bok.

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