This inspirational mosaic of tiles created by 11,124 residents following 9/11/01 had resided for 17 years at Waterplace Park, Providence Journal and the RI Convention Center until its recent removal for restoration. A new nonprofit was created to restore and relocate the memorial. Click to learn more and to support a new home for the RI Wall of Hope!
The Metcalf Diversity in the Media Award, organized by RICJ, was established in 1988 to posthumously honor Michael Metcalf, publisher of The Providence Journal. The Metcalf is Rhode Island's premier award recognizing journalists and media that do an exemplary job of showcasing the diversity of our region through stories that inspire and engage the public.
Since 1953, annual Awards have honored those who help create a society that values ALL its members. It's our annual fundraiser and our social event of the year. Our last in-person event was 2019 due to COVID.... but look for our exciting 2021 plans soon!